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Michael Passalacqua (MBA'21)

  • Program / Class: Accelerated MBA, Class of 2021

  • QUAAF Tenure: December 2019 – Present

  • QUAAF Position(s): Analyst (Thematic Investing), Director of Business Development

Why did you join QUAAF?

I joined QUAAF because it offered me a great opportunity to network with a broader range of students and learn about the finance industry. QUAAF provided a platform for me to research and deliver presentations to colleagues and industry professionals. I enjoyed the mentorship program. The two mentors I had were very eager to help me discover more about the industry I am aspiring to break in to. They provided insightful advice and shared members of their network with me as well.

How do you see your involvement in QUAAF tying into your degree & career aspirations?

Delivering presentations in a structured fashion is a valuable skillset. I was fortunate enough to be a part of the business development team where we were tasked with networking with industry professionals to have them present their experience to the greater group. This experience has helped me improve my networking, presentations, and people management skills. Participating in the weekly calls was a great way for me to stay current with investment management techniques and learn about various industries and companies. My time spent as an analyst was very valuable to me. I made many great friends who invested, what seemed to be, countless hours researching companies, building pitch decks, and competing in case competitions. The time I spent as analyst was where I learned the most about the finance industry.

Tell us about your time in the Thematic Investing team and how your role changed when you joined BD.

My time spent as an analyst for the Thematic portfolio was great. I was managed by and worked with great people who I consider great friends. We had a small team and I relied on them to direct my investment research and build an investment thesis. I learned more than I could about investments and finance from Thematic than I could have on my own or within the AMBA program. Transitioning to business development was a fun opportunity for me to meet new people and gain more responsibility within QUAAF. Managing the new business development team and aiming to achieve the QUAAF operating plan was a great experience to have been a part of. I am very happy with the opportunity and what we accomplished.

What’s your personal investment thesis?

Save 50-80% of what you earn. Buy a property. Delegate your investment portfolio to QUAAF management.

What advice would you have for future AMBA students starting their degrees who may be considering involvement in QUAAF?

I would encourage future AMBA students to look at QUAAF as an opportunity to network with a very highly skilled and talented group of people who are different from the demographic within the AMBA cohort.

QUAAF provides a platform to actually build a tangible skillset. You can specialize in investment research, networking/business development, marketing, operations management, presentation delivery, data analytics, and so much more.

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