Fund Overview
QUAAF is a unique fund offering designed to provide capital appreciation through investment in alternative strategies. The fund is comprised of four separate portfolios, each with its own unique investment strategy and benchmarks for investment qualification. The four portfolios are as follows:
Fund of Hedge Funds
Sustainable Investing
Real Estate
​Each strategy is comprised of a variety of investment vehicles which include externally managed fund portfolios, equities, and fixed income instruments.​
Current Investments

Fund of Hedge Funds Portfolio
Seeks consistent superior risk-adjusted returns by investing in externally managed Canadian-run alternative investments, such as hedge funds. Appropriate strategies include, but are not limited to, Equity Long/Short, Market Neutral, Merger Arbitrage, Convertible Arbitrage, Event-Drive, Credit, Fixed-Income Arbitrage, Global Macro, Short-Only, and Quantitative. Strategic timeframe (12-36 months).
Thematic Portfolio
Seeks high-growth opportunities through a thematic investment strategy. This portfolio uses a top-down investment approach to gain exposure to technology and long-term structural changes. Investments range from single securities to more complex strategies involving baskets of securities. Tactical timeframe (0-18 months).
Sustainable Investing Portfolio
Seeks to identify opportunities that capitalize on the companies that are best positioned to grow while pioneering better ways of doing business through superior performance in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) categories. This portfolio has the ability to invest in both external funds and traditional securities. Strategic and/or tactical timeframe.
Real Estate Portfolio
Seeks to identify opportunities to capitalize on growth within the real estate sector such as infrastructure, retail, commercial, and residential. The portfolio shall have a geographic focus in North America. Strategic timeframe.